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1-4. Maitreya said: O Venerable Sage! You have described many kinds of effects, relating to the Planets and Houses, after incorporating the views of many sages and Acharyas, but it is not possible to say with certainty, if a particular effect is quite correct, after considering the contradictions in the effects by the movements of the various Planets. As because of sinful deeds, committed by people in Kaliyuga, their minds have become blunt, be kind enough to describe a method, which would enable even the shallow minded persons to ascertain their happiness and sorrows and determine their longevity on the basis of the positions of the Planets in transit.
5-6. The sage replied: O Brahmin! You have put a very intelligent question. I will now describe the Shastra for the benefit of all, the Shastra, in which there will be no contradictions in judging the effects of happiness and sorrows and for determination of the longevity. You now listen to me carefully.
7-11. If the 12 Houses, including Lagna, are occupied by, or aspected by benefic Planets, they yield auspicious results, according to their characteristics, but this happens, where the Planets concerned are in their exaltation Rāśi, own Rāśi, or posited in a benefic House. There will be no good effects, if such Planets are in depression, or posited in an inauspicious House. Similarly the Houses, associated with, or aspected by malefics in depression, or posited in malefic Houses, yield adverse results, according to their characteristics. If such Planets be in their exaltation Rāśi, the effects will not be adverse. This is how the general effects have been described by the Daivajnas. I have only repeated those effects. The main purposes of this Jyotishya Shastra are to determine the longevity and joys and sorrows of the people, but because the movements of the Planets are so subtle, even sages, like Vashista and Brihaspati, have not been able to be quite definite in this respect. Then how can a common man, particularly in Kaliyuga, do so.
12. There are two divisions, or parts of the Jyotishya Shastra, namely general and particular. I have already dealt with the general part. I now come to the other part, which deals with this subject in particular.
13-15. As the effects of the twelve Houses are judged from Lagna and Moon, effects of the twelve Houses and the various Planets are judged in the same manner. Therefore the inauspicious places from the seven Planets, named, as Karan, beginning from Sun and Lagna (total 8), should be marked by dots (Bindus) and auspicious places, named, as Sthan, by small vertical lines (Rekhas) and on the basis of their assessment should the judgment of the horoscope and predictions be made.
Notes. The above arrangement is known, as AshtakaVargaa. The meaning of AshtakaVargaa is literally the group of eight things. In other words it is the combination of the good and bad positions of a Planet with reference to the seven Planets and Lagna. So it is the combination of the benefic and malefic marks (the Rekhas and the Bindus) in a planets chart with reference to the position of the eight Planets (here Lagna is to be treated, as a Planet).
16. Five Planets in 1st, 2nd, 8th, 3rd and the 12th Houses from Sun are Karanprad (dot significators). Similarly four Planets in the 7th and 4th, three Planets in the 6th and 9th, six Planets in the 5th, 2 Planets in the 10th and one Planet in the 11th are dot significators.
17-19. Thus Lagna, Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury in the 1st, 2nd and 8th from Sun; Sun, Mars, Saturn, Moon and Jupiter in the 12th; Mercury, Moon, Venus, Jupiter in the 4th; Lagna, Moon, Venus in the 9th; Sun, Saturn and Mars in the 6th; Lagna, Mercury, Jupiter and Moon in the 7th; Venus in the 11th; Sun, Saturn, Venus, Jupiter and Mars in the 3rd; Jupiter and Venus in the 10th; Sun, Saturn, Moon, Lagna Mars and Venus in the 5th are Karanprad, or dot indicators.
20-22. In Moon’s AshtakaVargaa 6 Planets in the 9th and the 2nd, 5 Planets in the 4th, 8th and the 1st, one Planet in the 10th and the 3rd, 4 Planets in the 5th, 3 Planets in the 6th and the 7th and 1st, eight in the 12th are Karanprad. Thus Lagna, Sun, Mars, Saturn and Venus, these five in the 1st; Lagna, Mercury, Sun, Moon, Saturn and Venus, these 6 in the 2nd; Jupiter in the 3rd; Sun, Saturn, Moon, Lagna and Mars, these 5 in the 4th; Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, these 3 in the 6th; Mars, Lagna and Saturn, these 3 in the 7th; Mars, Lagna, Saturn, Venus and Moon, these five in the 8th; Lagna, Sun, Mars, Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter, these 6 in the 9th; Saturn only in the 10th; none in the 11th; all the eight in the 12th from their own places are Karanprad. These Planets in the other Houses are Rekhaprad (line significators).
23-27. In the AshtakaVargaa of Mars6 Planets in the 12th, 4th and 7th, 5 Planets in the 5th, 6 Planets in the 2nd, 7 Planets in the 9th, 5 Planets in the 1st and 8th, 4 Planets in the 3rd, 3 Planets in the 10th and 2 Planets in the 6th are Karanprad. In the 11th no Planet is Karanprad. In other words all the Planets in the 11th from their own places are Rekhaprad. Thus Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus, these five in the 1st; Lagna, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, these 6 in the 2nd; Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, these 4 in the 3rd; Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Lagna, these 6 in the 4th; Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Lagna, these 5 in the 5th; Mars and Saturn, these 2 in the 6th; Mercury, Moon, Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Lagna, these 6 in the 7th; Mercury, Moon, Sun, Lagna and Jupiter, these five in the 8th; Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Lagna, these 7 in the 9th; Venus, Moon and Mercury, these 3 in the 10th; none in the 11th; Sun, Saturn, Mercury, Moon, Lagna and Mars, these 6 in the 12th from their own places are Karanprad.
28-30. In the AshtakaVargaa of Mercury 3 Planets in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 10th, 6th and 9th, 2 Planets in the 8th, 6 Planets in the 3rd and the 7th, none in the 11th, 5 Planets in the 5th and 12th are Karanprad. Thus Sun, Moon and Jupiter, these 3 in the 1st; Jupiter, Sun and Mercury, these 3 in the 2nd; Lagna, Sun, Mars, Saturn, Moon and Jupiter, these 6 in the 3rd; Mercury, Sun and Jupiter, these 3 in the 4th; Jupiter, Mars, Moon, Saturn and Lagna, these 5 in the 5th; Venus, Saturn and Mars, these 3 in the 6th; Mercury, Moon, Lagna, Sun, Venus and Jupiter, these 6 in the 7th; Mercury and Sun, these 2 in the 8th; Jupiter, Moon and Lagna, these 3 in the 9th; Sun, Jupiter and Venus, these 3 in the 10th; none in the 11th; Lagna, Moon, Mars, Saturn and Venus these 5 in the 12th from their own places are Karanprad.

31-34. In the AshtakaVargaa of Jupiter one Planet in the 2nd and 11th, 2 Planets in the 10th, 7 Planets in the 12th, 4 Planets in the 6th, 5 Planets in the 8th and 3rd, 3 Planets in the remaining Houses are Karanprad. Thus Venus, Moon and Saturn, these 3 in the 1st; Saturn in the 2nd and 11th; Lagna, Mars, Moon, Mercury and Venus, these 5 in the 3rd; Sun, Jupiter and Mars, these 3 in the 5th; Venus, Saturn and Moon, these 3 in the 4th; Mercury, Venus and Saturn, these 3 in the 7th; Jupiter, Mars, Sun and Moon, these 4 in the 6th; all except Saturn, these 7 in the 12th; Moon and Saturn, these 2 in the 10th; Saturn, Mars and Jupiter, these 3 in the 9th; Lagna, Saturn, Venus, Moon and Mercury, these 5 in the 8th from their own places are Karanprad.
35-38. In the AshtakaVargaa of Venus 2 Planets in the 5th, 8th and 3rd, 5 Planets in the 1st, 2nd, 12th, 10th, 8 Planets in the 7th, 6 Planets in the 6th, one in the 9th, 3 in the 4th, none in the 11th are Karanpradas. Thus Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, these 5 in the 1st and the 2nd; all the 8 Planets in the 7th; Jupiter and Sun, these 2 in the 3rd; Sun and Mars, these 2 in the 5th; Sun in 9th; Sun, Mercury and Jupiter, these 3 in the 4th; Mars and Mercury, these 2 in the 8th; Venus, Sun, Moon, Saturn, Lagna and Jupiter, these 6 in the 6th; none in the 11th; Lagna, Saturn, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, these 5 in the 12th; Lagna, Mars, Mercury, Moon, Sun, these 5 in the 10th from their own places are Karanpradas.
39-42. In the AshtakaVargaa of Saturn 7 Planets in the 2nd, 7th, 9th, 6 Planets in the 8th, Lagna and 4th, 4 Planets in the 10th, 3rd and 12th, one Planet in the 6th, 5 Planets in the 5th, none in the 11th are Karanpradas. Thus Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, these 6 in the 4th and the 1st; Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Lagna, these 7 in the 2nd and the 7th; Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Lagna, these 7 in the 9th; Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, these 4 in the 10th; Jupiter, Sun, Mercury and Venus, these 4 in the 3rd; Sun in the 6th; Lagna, Moon, Saturn, Sun, these 4 in the 12th; Venus, Sun, Moon, Mercury and Lagna, these 5 in the 5th; Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Lagna, these 6 in the 8th; none in the 11th from their own places are Karanpradas. The remaining places are Rekhapradas and are auspicious.
43-45. The sage said. Now I will describe the auspicious Houses for the benefit of the Acharyas. In the AshtakaVargaa of Sun: Saturn, Mars and Sun in the 2nd, 8th and 1st; Jupiter and Mercury in the 5th; Mercury, Moon and Lagna in the 3rd; Lagna, Sun, Saturn and Mars in the 4th; Lagna, Sun, Saturn, Mars, Mercury and Moon in the 10th; Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Lagna in the 11th; Lagna, Venus and Mercury in the 12th; Lagna, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Moon in the 6th; Sun, Mars, Saturn and Venus in the 7th; Sun, Mars, Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter in the 9th from their own places are Rekhapradas.
46-48. In the AshtakaVargaa of Moon: Mercury, Moon and Jupiter in the 1st; Jupiter and Mars in the 2nd; Mercury, Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn, Venus and Lagna in the 3rd; Jupiter, Venus and Mercury in the 4th; Mars, Mercury, Venus and Saturn in the 5th; Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn and Lagna in the 6th; Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus in the 7th; Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in the 8th; Venus and Moon in the 9th; Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Moon, Lagna and Mars in the 10th and all the 8 Planets in the 11th from their own places are Rekhapradas. No Planet is Rekhaprad in the 12th.
49-50. In the AshtakaVargaa of Mars: Lagna, Saturn and Mars in the 1st; Mars in the 2nd; Lagna, Mercury, Moon and Sun in the 3rd; Saturn and Mars in the 4th; Mercury and Sun in the 5th; Mercury, Moon, Jupiter, Sun, Lagna and Venus in the 6th; Saturn and Mars in the 7th; Saturn, Mars and Venus in the 8th; Saturn in the 9th; Mars, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Lagna in 10th; all in the 11th and Jupiter and Venus in the 12th from their own places are Rekhapradas.
51-52. In the AshtakaVargaa of Mercury: Lagna, Saturn, Mars, Venus and Mercury in the 1st; Lagna, Mars, Moon, Venus and Saturn in the 2nd; Venus and Mercury in the 3rd; Lagna, Moon, Saturn, Venus and Mars in the 4th; Mercury, Saturn and Venus in the 5th; Jupiter, Mercury, Sun, Moon and Lagna in the 6th; Mars and Saturn in the 7th; Mars, Saturn, Lagna, Moon, Venus and Jupiter in the 8th; Saturn, Mars, Sun, Mercury and Venus in the 9th; Lagna, Saturn, Mars, Mercury and Moon in the 10th; all in the 11th and Jupiter, Mercury and Sun in the 12th from their own places are Rekhapradas.
53-55. In the AshtakaVargaa of Jupiter: Lagna, Mars, Sun and Mercury in the 1st and 4th; Jupiter, Lagna, Mars, Sun, Mercury, Moon and Venus in the 2nd; Saturn, Jupiter and Sun in the 3rd; Venus, Moon, Lagna, Mercury and Saturn in the 5th; Venus, Lagna, Mercury and Saturn in the 6th; Lagna, Mars, Jupiter, Sun and Moon in the 7th; Jupiter, Sun and Mars in the 8th; Venus, Sun, Lagna, Moon and Mercury in the 9th; Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Sun, Venus and Lagna in the 10th; all except Saturn in the 11th and Saturn in the 12th from their own places are Rekhapradas.
56-58. In the AshtakaVargaa of Venus: Lagna, Venus and Moon in the 1st; Lagna, Venus and Moon in the 2nd; Lagna, Venus, Moon, Mercury, Saturn and Mars in the 3rd; Lagna, Venus, Moon, Saturn and Mars in the 4th; Lagna, Mercury, Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus in the 5th; Mercury and Mars in the 6th; none in the 7th; Venus, Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Lagna and Saturn in the 8th; all except Sun in the 9th; Venus, Jupiter and Saturn in the 10th; all in the 11th; Mars, Moon and Sun in the 12th from their own places are Rekhapradas.
59-60. In the AshtakaVargaa of Saturn: Sun and Lagna in the 1st; Sun in the 2nd; Lagna, Moon, Mars and Saturn in the 3rd; Lagna and Sun in the 4th; Jupiter, Saturn and Mars in the 5th; all except Sun in the 6th; Sun in the 7th; Sun and Mercury in the 8th; Mercury in the 9th; Sun, Mars, Lagna and Mercury in the 10th; all in the 11th; Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in the 12th from their own places are Rekhapradas.
61-64. In the AshtakaVargaa of Lagna 3 Planets in the 1st and 4th, 2 Planets in the 3rd, 5 Planets in the 2nd, 6 Planets in the 5th, 8th, 9th and 12th, one Planet in the 10th, 11th and 6th and all except Jupiter in the 7th are Karanpradas. Thus Lagna, Sun and Moon in the 1st; Lagna, Mars, Moon, Sun and Saturn in the 2nd; Jupiter and Mercury in the 3rd; Lagna, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Saturn and Sun in the 5th; Lagna, Moon and Mars in the 4th; Venus in the 6th; all except Jupiter in the 7th; Lagna, Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in the 8th; Lagna, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury and Saturn in the 9th; Venus in the 10th and 11th; Lagna, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn in the 12th from their own places are Karanpradas.
65-68. In the AshtakaVargaa of Lagna: Saturn, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Mars in the 1st; Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in the 2nd; Lagna, Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus and Saturn in 3rd; Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn in the 4th; Jupiter and Venus in the 5th; all except Venus in the 6th; Jupiter in the 7th; Mercury and Venus in the 8th; Jupiter and Venus in the 9th; all except Venus in the 10th; all except Venus in the 11th and Sun and Moon in the 12th from their own places are Rekhapradas.
69. In the charts of AshtakaVargaa Karan is signified by a Bindu, or dot (0) and Sthan by a Rekhapradas, or line (1). Karan is inauspicious, while Sthan is auspicious.
70-72. To identify the auspicious and inauspicious Houses in the AshtakaVargaa a chart should be prepared with 14 horizontal lines and ten vertical lines. The form of the chart so prepared will consist of 117 apartments. In this chart in the first line incorporates the names of the seven Planets and Lagna. In the first column write the numbers of all the 12 Houses. After this mark dots under the Planet and against the Karanprad Houses. By doing so the Karanprad Houses of all the 8 Planets, including Lagna, will become known clearly and whenever the AshtakaVargaa Planet will pass in transit the dot-marked Houses, he will yield unfavorable results. In his transit to other Houses he would give favourable effects.The following table shows the dots in the AshtakaVargaa of Sun. 

For detailed study of your horoscope and remedies :

contact : Acharya Raman Kamra




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