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BREAK UP SOLUTION IN ASTROLOGY / WILL MY EX COME BACK ASTROLOGY Reasons for separation in love relationships : The running dasha is also responsible for ending of many love affairs. Let’s learn about some dashas and yogas that may cause premature ending of a love affair. The sixth house in a Kundali is the Karak of violence. Love relationships may not be successful if the Dasha of sixth house is running in a Kundali. A love relationship may also come to an end during the Dasha of the eighth house or the Dasha of planet present in the eighth house. Twelfth house is known as the house of expenses. The relationships may come to an end during the Dasha of twelfth house. Saturn is considered to be the Karak planet of sacrifice. A person’s mind and heart may be restless during the Da sha of Saturn and he may become indifferent towards love. Due to this, a relationship may gradually come to end. If the fifth house is weak or afflict...


RELATIONSHIP COMPATIBILITY TEST IN ASTR OLOGY / ASTROLOGY COMPATIBILITY / RELATIONSHIP COMPATIBILITY Aries   Aries is aroused by other Fire signs (Leo and Sagittarius). When it comes to relationship compatibility, Aries are passionate, daring, and sometimes selfish. If egos don't go supernova, the Aries-Leo match grows into mutual adoration.The Aries-Sagittarius couple hits the ground running and thrives with common goals. Aries stays inspired with the uplifting currents of air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini).Aries men are ruled by Mars, hence the masculine and often sparring persona. When it comes to finding a significant other, Aries m en want a counterpart that can hold their own when it comes to an argument. Similarly, Aries women are risk takers and physical. Drawn to confident alphas, she loves a partner who can draw out her more feminine side.If you're taking an Aries out on a first date, make sure it's not boring. Aries love a challenge and newness excites them....


REMEDIES FOR LOVE MARRIAGE ASTROLOGY OR LOVE PROBLEM SOLUTION ASTROLOGER BELOW REMEDIES FOR LOVE MARRIAGE ASTROLOGY 1. In the horoscope of the boy and girl , the planet positioned in the 7th house should always be addressed to and made peace with before marriage. 2. To get success in his love life a boy should always wear an emerald ring and because of it the lover or fiancee would get attracted to you. 3. A couple in love should meet on full moon nights / poorana masi and on fridays and if friday happens to be full moon night it is most auspicious for meeting and love will grow and deepen on such meetings. 4. Offering a flute  and beetal leaves in lord krishna temple will  help you to win over your love. 5. If you are interested in winning over someone, worship Maa Durga and offer a red shewl. 6. Performing " Rudra Abhishek" with honey will beget  you of the one you are desirous of. 7. Wear " gauri shanker rudraksha" to get married to person you are ...


HOROSCOPE MATCHING OR KUNDALI MATCHING IN ASTROLOGY /  ASTROLOGY COMPATIBILITY / HOROSCOPE COMPATIBILITY FOR MARRIAGE HOROSCOPE MATCHING : Horoscope Matching /Kundali Milan also known as horoscope matching is a Process by which we can understand whether the Marriage between a Boy and Girl will be happy or not. It is in use from long ago and a very useful method to avoid any Marital disharmony.Marriage is one of the important event of our Life. Every body wants to have a peaceful and happy married life. But This does not happen. No of unhappy couple is increasing in our society day by day. So when we reach in a marriageable age, we become curious to know what is stored for us. We want to know How our Future Spouse will Look and their nature. This is quite natural. But we must understand ” all that glitter is not gold”. It is not necessary that a boy or girl who appears to be very attractive and of good nature  will be perfect for you. It is very difficult to judge ...


INTER CASTE MARRIAGE ASTROLOGY / FOREIGNER SPOUSE IN ASTROLOGY Factors influencing inter caste marriage : Jupiter : significator of marriage for female Venus : significator of marriage for male Saturn/Rahu/Ketu :they have roles to play in inter caste marriage 5th house : indicates mentality and love affairs 7th house : house of marriage 9th house : indicates religion and fate of the native Astrological combinations for inter caste marriages : In male horoscope if Venus is afflicted by Saturn/Rahu/Ketu ,there will be possibility of inter caste marriage . In female horoscope ,Jupiter afflicted by Saturn/Rahu/Ketu indicates inter caste marriage. Aspect of Rahu on the 7th house and its lord gives inter caste marriage. Placement of Venus and Rahu in 6th and 11th house  gives inter caste marriage Moon and Mars in 6-8 position  gives inter caste marriage Mars and Venus in 2-12 position  gives inter caste marriage Mars and 7th lord conjunction aspected by...


SECOND MARRIAGE IN ASTROLOGY / MORE THAN ONE MARRIAGE SECOND MARRIAGE IN ASTROLOGY : The second marriage in astrology is seen from the 2nd house of Horoscope. 8th house shows Longevity. So 8th house from 7th house i.e. 2nd house will indicate the second marriage in astrology. For third marriage we have to consider the 8th house from 2nd i.e. 9th house from Lagna. So we need to see the condition of 2nd house and its lord in Rashi chart as well as in Navamsa chart. Some people consider 9th house as the house of second marriage in astrology because 9th is the 3rd from 7th. They consider the second spouse to be sibling of your first spouse. Some people also advice to use 11th house as the house of second marriage astrology. But in my opinion the 2nd house should be used for second marriage in astrology and i have also found it correct in case of Practical example. Readers can try both 2nd, 9th or 11th house for second marriage astrology and see the result. Remarriage is a marriage that...


EXTRA MARITAL AFFAIRS IN ASTROLOGY / EXTRA MARITAL RELATIONS / INFIDELITY IN ASTROLOGY EXTRA MARITAL AFFAIRS IN ASTROLOGY : The main reasons of extra marital affairs in Astrology is the influence of Mars, Rahu or Ketu in 4th,6th,12th house or 5th from 7th house or 5th of 7th is influenced by malefic planets  or Jupiter and Venus connection in 5th of 7th House indicates that person will suffer from illicit or extra marital affairs in astrology. If 7th or 2nd lord is influenced by or viewed by Venus, or Venus is in these place or 10th lord is in 7th with Venus the person will fall in to extra marital affairs due to strong sexual desire. apart from that if 7th  lord is connected with Rahu or Ketu then every possibility this person will fall in the trap of extra marital affairs or illicit relation. To get involved with anyone, four factors play a major role. They are the mind, love or romance, the strength to break social norms, and passion. The planets governing these emoti...


            Divorce in astrology / Problems in marriage astrology / Divorce problem solution astrologer Divorce in astrology : The Natural malefic planets like Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Katu are the agents of Divorce in astrology. Sun acts as a catalyst in divorce in astrology and creates a conflicts but if associated with ascendant or 7th house specially when Sun is in enemy sign and under malefic influences can give divorce in astrology. The houses 2nd, 4th, 5th 7th 8th, 11th and 12th are concerned with marital affairs Venus position in gandmool nakshara or in Rahu nakshatra or in Sun nakshatra also add fuel to this and this combination can give divorce in astrology. 2nd and 8th house also important for marriage if they are under malefic influencs can lead to divorce in astrology. Planets occupying the 8th house suggests involvement of secret matters, extramarital and sexual relationships. Major opportunities for divorce in astrology are...


Will i have love or arranged marriage Love marriage astrology : Lagna Lord specially Venus and its placement in the birth chart becomes an important instrument for love/ romance. The native would become more passionate if under the influence of Mars/ Saturn/ Rahu. Intimate relationship between 5th and 7th Lord also speak of love marriage in astrology i.e. by aspect/ association and change of signs (Rasi parivartan yoga). As already pointed out with regards to Nodes- Rahu/ Ketu, if in 5th or 7th places or lords of 5th/ 7th house are afflicted by Nodes, love marriage including inter- caste love is indicated. Lagna Lord if associated with 5th or 7th lord also speaks of strong Will to marry independently or more correctly love marriage in astrology. Love marriage in astrology and extra romance is indicated by the 9th house form Lagna specially if the 9th Lord occupies its own sign i.e. Mercury in Gemini for Libra Ascendant. From Surya Lagna also, see the position of 9th Lord ...